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6 Reasons Why Riding School Horses Are The Best

Most riding school clients dream of owning our own horse one day. Sadly, time and money don’t grow on trees, and other commitments can mean having a horse of own isn’t an option right now. However, riding school horses certainly have their perks. Whether it’s that we get to ride them without the hassle of having to muck out or groom, or the fact that we don’t have to choose just one, there’s a lot to love about riding school horses. Here’s 10 reasons why riding school horses are simply the best!


Ride and Go

Caring for horses is a major aspect of the equestrian sport and lifestyle. Many riding school clients enjoy participating in stable management lessons and love to spend time grooming or helping out on the yard. However, when it’s cold, wet or you’re in a hurry, it’s nice to be able to ride and then let someone else take care of the horse (shoutout to all the grooms and instructors out there!)

Don’t get me wrong, caring for horses can be just as enjoyable and is definitely more important than riding, but it’s nice to have the luxury of hopping on, riding, then getting on with your day without spending hours cleaning tack afterwards. 


They’re So Forgiving

Riding school horses have a difficult job - teaching many different riders every single week, all with their own strengths and weaknesses. We make mistakes, lose our stirrups, sit the wrong diagonal, and yet these horses somehow still manage to get us from A to C and over those jumps.


No Vet Bills

Probably one of the biggest financial advantages of not having your own horse. Vet bills can be big and unexpected, so it’s actually nice to not have to worry about such things when you’re out on your leisurely hack.


Less Commitment

Time and money - two things that, sadly, don’t grow on trees. As much as we love horses, we can’t all dedicate the amount of time or money it takes to keep one of our own. Plus, if ever you just need a break, you can just not book lessons for a couple of weeks and pick it up again when the time is right. 


Take it at Your Own Pace

Whilst competing is an option for some riding school clients, there’s much less pressure to perform or progress when you don’t have your own horse. A bit of clear round jumping or the odd dressage test is a great opportunity to build your confidence without the pressure of affiliated qualifiers, rulebooks and the expense that goes with it. 


You Don’t Have to Choose Just One

When you ride at a riding school, you will usually get to ride many different horses. Whilst clients will often have their favourites, it’s actually really useful to gain experience with different horses and ponies. 


Make the Most of Your Riding Lessons with the No Horse? No Problem! Lesson Journal

If you want to get even more out of riding, but don’t have a horse of your own, we have the perfect solution! The No Horse? No Problem! Lesson Journal is designed especially for riding school clients and can be used to record all kinds of riding lesson. This lesson journal is also undated, meaning you can use it regardless of how often you ride. Get the No Horse? No Problem! Lesson Journal here. 

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